Faculty in 2024 | Jiro Usugami

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Name Jiro Usugami
Title Professor
Degree Ph.D.
Academic Background B.S. - Commerce, Chuo University (1981)
M.A. - Management and Policy Science, University of Tsukuba (1983)
Ph.D. - Public Policy, The George Washington University (1994)
Work Experience Japan Productivity Center (1983-1996): Project Officer, International Division
Tokyo Metropolitan College(1996-2006): Associate Professor, School of Business
Oita University (2006- 2011): Professor, School of Economics
Aoyama Gakuin University (2011- ): Professor, School of Business
Research Fields Policy Evaluation
Evaluation of Risk Management and Governance
Evaluation of Knowledge Management (KM)
Human Resources Management
Current Research Themes Customer Knowledge Management
Cross-cultural Human Resource Management
Regional Branding and Innovation
Selected Publications Usugami J.,and Matsuki,T.(2022)“An Empirical Study of the Relationships Between Remote Work, Productivity and Job Engagement under the COVID-19 Pandemic Condition: The Effects of Job Crafting, Gender and Age”,Aoyama Journal of Business 57-1(Spring), pp. 75-99.
Usugami J.,(2020). Global Design of Regional Products, Hakutoshobo. 213p.
Usugami, J., & Walker, R. (2019). Big-data, knowledge capturing and service improvement related to inbound tourism. Aoyama Journal of Business, 54-3 (December), pp.27-41.
Usugami,J. (2018) “Customer Knowledge Management and Potential Risk Identification: Does customer feedback in the field of CKM contribute to identification of potential risks ,”Aoyama Journal of Business, 53-3 (December), pp.33-46.
Usugami,J. (2017)“Customer Knowledge Management Utilizing Big Data in Japanese Inbound Tourism: Does big data result in real service improvements?,”Aoyama Journal of Business, 52-2(September),pp.3-16.
Usugami,J. (2016) A Study of Tattoos and Employment Practices in the EU and the USA: Insights These Practice Can Provide for Japanese Organizations, Transcultural Management Review, Vol.13, pp.1-14.
Usugami,J. (2016) Disaster Risk Reduction for International Residents in Japan: Barriers and Facilitators to Knowledge Sharing in Times of Disaster, Proceedings of 2016 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (17-19 August, Uppsala, Sweden), pp.96-99.
Usugami,J. (2016) “Customer Knowledge and Service Innovation in Hospitality Industries to Respond to International Customer Needs,” Aoyama Journal of Business, 5-4(March),pp.41-53.
Usugami,J. (2015) “Barrier and Facilitator Analysis on Knowledge Sharing with International Residents in Times of Disaster: The Role of the Local Level Public Sector,” Aoyama Journal of Business, 49-4(March),pp.41-56.
Usugami, J. (2013) “An Empirical Study of Customer Feedback and Employee Driven Service Innovation," Aoyama Journal of Business, 48-3(December),pp.197-210.
Usugami, J. (2013) "An Analysis of Fair Trade Chocolate in Japan and EU: Why Does a Wide Gap Exist Between the Two Regions?," Aoyama Journal of Business,48-1(July),pp. 17-30.
Usugami, J. (2012) "An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship Between Disasters and Corporate Innovation," Aoyama Journal of Business, 47-3(December),pp. 17-27.
Usugami, J., H. Matsuguma, D.Nakamoto, and H. Abe(2010) Regional Brand Strategy and Job Creation,Tokyo:Hakutou Shobo.
Usugami, J. (2008) "e-Learning for New Graduate Employees - Another Function of e-Learning for New Graduate Employees of Japanese and Korean Companies," ICE-B Conference paper, pp.357-361.
Usugami, J. (2007) Introduction to Management,Tokyo: Chuo Keizaisha.
Usugami, J. and K.Park (2006) "Similarities and differences in employee motivation viewed by Korean and Japanese executives : empirical study on employee motivation management of Japanese- affiliated companies in Korea," International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(February),pp. 280-295.
Academic Association The International Academy of Strategic Management
Japan Academy of International Business Studies,
Japan Society of Human Resource Management
Transcultural Management Society

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