
Modes of Training

Our program is composed of various modes of training: lectures, individual supervision, practicum, and field trips. We believe that a mix of approaches to learning and development helps enhance our program by enabling students to learn by themselves, with instructors and from each other.

- Lectures: Most courses are given in the form of lectures. Our lecture classes (modules) run with an average of five students – small enough to encourage questions and discussions.

- Individual Supervision: This is an essential training mode for thesis preparation, with required Thesis 1 (A) and (B) courses, as well as optional meetings held outside regular classroom hours by appointment.

- Practicum: The customs practicum features lectures, workshops, and seminars, and involves visits to regional customs, policy implementation/enforcement, examination, and other management issues. The practicum also involves the presentation of a paper and an additional opportunity to attend workshops led by the Japanese Customs teaching staff.

- Field Trips: During the field trips, scholars visit private firms, public offices, and cultural sites to acquire practical knowledge and a feeling for the Japanese economy and society. In the program, we try to present scholars with the contrasting realities of the Japanese economy.

Academic Curriculum and Courses in 2024

The following courses are offered during 2024-2025. Please bear the notes in mind as follows;
1. A minimum of 30 credits is required to graduate.
2. Master's Thesis I (A) & I (B) are compulsory to write the thesis under a supervisor whom students are required to choose from the full-time faculty members (Jiro Usugami / Naoto Nadayama / Yukiko Nakagawa / Ikuo Takahashi) upon respective research themes.
3. Japanese language courses (non-credit) are offered both in Spring and Autumn semesters.

Course Title Credit Semester Instructor
Strategic Management
Competitive Strategy Ⅰ 2 Spring Naoto Nadayama
Competitive Strategy Ⅱ 2 Autumn Naoto Nadayama
Management Ⅰ 2 Spring Jiro Usugami
Management Ⅱ 2 Autumn Jiro Usugami
Organizational Management Ⅰ 2 Spring Chie Yorozu
HRM & Leadership I 2 Spring Yukiko Nakagawa
HRM & Leadership Ⅱ 2 Autumn Yukiko Nakagawa
Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Rights Ⅰ 2 Spring Tatsuya Saito/Tomoyuki Kanai/Yuichiro Shimma
Intellectual Property Rights Ⅱ 2 Autumn Tatsuya Saito/Tomoyuki Kanai/Yuichiro Shimma
IPR Enforcement at the Border 2 Spring Hiroaki Abe
Copyright Law 2 Spring Daiki Ishikawa/Atsushi Okada
Customs Administration
Practicum in Customs Administration 2 Spring Jitsuya Hasegawa
Customs Law 2 Spring Hiroshi Imagawa
Customs Tariff Law 2 Spring Hiroshi Imagawa
Customs Reforms & Modernization 2 Autumn Yuko Tsuda/Takemasa Murayama
Research Methodology
Master's Thesis Ⅰ (A) *Required 2 Spring Usugami/Nadayama/Nakagawa/Takahashi
Master's Thesis Ⅰ (B) *Required 2 Autumn Usugami/Nadayama/Nakagawa/Takahashi
Statistical Analysis 2 Spring Michiko Miyamoto
Academic Writing 2 Spring Hitomi Ametani
Writing the Research Paper 2 Autumn Andreea Corina Cinteza
Japanese language No credit Spring & Autumn Mamiko Yamaguchi

Academic Calendar

2024-2025 Academic Year


April 1
Entrance Ceremony Academic Orientation/Master Thesis Orientation
Medical Check-up
April 5
Spring Semester Begins
April 15
Course Registration of the First Semester Ends
July 31
Spring Semester Ends
August 1 - September 19
Summer Break


September 20
Autumn Semester Begins
September 26
Course Registration of the Second Semester Ends
End of September or Early October
Interim Presentation
November 1 - 3
Aoyama Campus Festival
December 24 - January 5
Winter Break
January 6
Autumn Semester Resumes
Late January
Submission of Master's Thesis
February 3
Autumn Semester Ends
February 4
Spring Break Begins
End of February
Final Presentation and Defense
March 25
Graduation Ceremony

Thesis titles of the academic year 2023-2024 graduates

For your reference, the following is a list of thesis titles during the academic year 2023-2024.

  1. Enhancing Employee Engagement Through the Dimensions of Work-life Balance - An empirical study on Sri Lanka Customs
  2. Enhancement of Customs Policies in IPR through Public-Private Collaborations Creating Social Value: Case of Ecuador Customs
  3. Examining the Influence of Technological Innovation on public sector: A Focus on IRAN's Customs Administration
  4. How and why Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Training affect the IPR Enforcement Performance of customs officials: a case of Bangladesh customs
  5. On the Edge: Unveiling Land Border Retention Dynamics among Brazilian Customs Officers
  6. Managing Workplace Stress among Public Sector Employees in the Maldives: The Role of Emotional Intelligence, Work Environment, Social Support and Leadership
  7. Slow Career Progression of Female Professionals and its Barriers: A Case Study of Kenya Revenue Authority
  8. The Effects of Job Transfer on Work Engagement in the Case of a Thai Public Organization
  9. The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Risk Management Processes in Customs Administration. Opportunities, Challenges and Potential Perspectives
  10. The Workplace Motivation and Knowledge Sharing across Royal Malaysian Customs’ Baby Boomers, X, Y, and Z Generations

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